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প্রধান কার্যাবলি

SA Khatian

RS record

CS Recorder

And all the work done on more land including land was dismissed

In front of all the land deposits, all the people of Lola Union came to the union land office of Lola and all the people came to solve all the problems related to the land and all the information about our land in our land is available in the Union Land Office of Lalo. All of our land names, Take out records, earn rent. And all arrears and halts are collected and any kind of land related material is dried.

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). It is a government service provider. Under the Ministry of Rural Development and Co-operatives of the local government. Functions of the office: Provide technical assistance to all institutions, offices and public at local level.

                        2. Implementation of the construction work of government, registered private, community primary schools.

                       3. Implementation of the Annual Development (ADP) project workshop

                       4. Construction of small-bridges culvert, drain etc.

                       5. Development of physical infrastructure of Growth Centers, Hat-Bazar etc.

                      6. Implementation of repair and repair of rural roads and gates including Upazila Road, Union Road.

                      7. Implementation of construction work of Union